
Friday 20 November 2020

USE OF LAND book – Publication imminent

The Revised Edition of The Essential Guide to the Use of Land and Buildings under the Planning Acts and Supplement is about to go to press.

The Revised Edition (with Supplement) not only flags up the old and new Use Classes in the original text, but also brings various other legislative references up to date, and contains new material and re-cast or re-written text.

As I wrote the other day, I would strongly recommend readers to order the Revised Edition of the book, with the Supplement bound in, because the Revised Edition provides a much more useful basic text than the original edition would now do, in relating the new Use Classes to the previous Use Classes. The Supplement describes and discusses the new Use Classes (and contains numerous cross-references to the main text of the book).

The difference in price between the stand-alone Supplement and the Revised Edition of the book (including the Supplement) is only £35. So if you have already ordered the Supplement alone (for £15), or the Supplement plus webinar booking (for £40), but you now wish to upgrade your order to include the Revised Edition of the book (with bound-in Supplement), in place of the Supplement alone, you can do so by paying only £35 more. But you will need to do so almoast immediately, before orders are dispatched. Bath Publishing have kindly agreed to process any revised orders, on receipt of the extra £35. So if you wish to upgrade an existing order, you should send an email to and they'll take it from there.

However, if you have not yet placed an order at all, the best route is go is through the Bath Publishing website (using the link on the left-hand side of this page). There is still time to place an order for either the Revised Edition (with Supplement bound in) or the Supplement alone, and to book for the webinar, if you have not yet done so.

Purchasers of the digital edition of the book (or supplement) should receive this by 26 November, and the printed edition should also become available soon afterwards. So you shouldn’t have to wait too long now for your order to arrive.



  1. Hello Martin, Does your Revised Edition also cover the amedments referred to in your latest Blog Post?

    "GPDO – Yet more amendments - Posted: 16 Nov 2020 04:56 AM PST"

    1. No. This book deals with the Use Classes Order. It refers to the GPDO only so far as is relevant to the continuing effect of the old Use Classes for the purposes of permitted development, and as to the effect that the changes to the UCO have on permitted development.

      A future edition of my other book will cover changes to the GPDO itself, but will have to await the further changes to the GPDO that are expected to be made next Summer. So publication of a Fourth Edition of that book is unlikely within the next 12 months.



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